Creative Drama Troupe: Animal Adventure! Ages: 5-7

Your favorite animal receives a secret treasure map and is about to embark on a dangerous adventure. Luckily, they don't have to journey alone! Join a troupe of treasure-seeking animals to discover treasure and maybe something they least expected…This class is for young actors like you with stories to share! Join the troupe and work together to find one shared story through interactive games and imaginative prompts. Each class will shape the adventure and tell what happens next.


This drop off workshop series meets weekly on Wednesdays from 3:45-5:15 for 6 weeks from September 27th-November 1st: 9/27, 10/04, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, and 11/1.


$200 for the six-week session. Members receive a 10% discount.

Enrollment is limited, and sign ups are first come, first served. If you would like to be added to a waiting list, email
If your child has an interest in performing in a more professional setting, consider auditioning for an intergenerational production. Email or sign up for the Maddy's Theatre Newsletter for more information about our professional casting calls.

